Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lab Day!

Last class we looked at the different separation techniques! This class we did an experiment on chromatography!!

Our Lab today was called Separation of a Mixture by Paper Chromatography

Key words
  • solute front ( ie. food coloring)
  • solvent front (ie. water)
  • Rf values (d1 over d2)
  • d1 (distance traveled by solute)
  • d2 (distance traveled by solvent)


  1. The first step in this lab, was of course to put all of our safety equipment on!
  2. obtain 3 large test, and 3 Erlenmeyer flasks.
  3. next we had to get 3 strips of paper, 22 cm each. 4 cm from the end we drew a line and trimmed the edge to make a point.
  4. we placed water 2 cm deep in the test tube.

Starting the experiment
  1. On our first piece of paper we placed either a red, yellow, or blue dot on the line we drewin the preparation stage.
  2. we placed the strip of paper in a test tube (The flat surfaces are not aloud to touch the test tube)
  3. Here we wait for 10 min writting notes on what happens 
  • because that process takes so long, we moved on to part III of the experiment
  1. take another of our strip and put a dot of green food colouring on the line
  2. take our last strip and put the unknown mixture on the line
  3. put both of the strips of paper in the last 2 test tubes
  • After 20 mins and you are fully satisfied that nothing more will change, you remove all the strips from the test tubes
 The hard part!! 

Now it's time for the calculation part of the experiment!!!
  1. when you've taken the strips out measure the distance traveled by the solute (label d1), and the solvent (label d2)
  2. with your results now it's time to find the Rf value
  • to calculate this you use the formula ( d1 divided by d2= Rf)
    3. then we put our results on the white board and compared our answers

Here is a video of another chromatography experiment!
It is different but the results are very similar to that of the one we did!


In this video you saw the separation of the ink, our results were the same. ours however separated into the primary colours. Our unknown separated into all 3 primary colours ( red, yellow, blue) and our green separated into yellow and blue.

This was our Lab of the day!

Next day we have our first test!!!

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